Starting Monday, January 28th at 1:00pm EST, “Confessing the Blues” with host Cleve Baker debuts on TruBlues975! It’s a three-hour show hosted by Cleve Baker that plays the hottest blues music, presents interviews with some of today’s biggest blues stars, and shares info about what’s going on in the blues world! New episodes air Mondays @ 1:00pm and then repeat Sundays @ 3:00pm (EST).
From the show’s website:
” From that early introduction to the music and from the stories of adventure, the live music, the dancing, the beer and hard liquor, the gambling and the raw energy of it all has come “Confessing the Blues”, a new conduit for the spirit and passion of Blues Music and Blues Artist to reach the masses to relay their stories of Living and Loving, Fighting and Forgiving and the Ruin and Redemption of Life… Join the Roadhouse Party and let “Confessing the Blues” Radio spark the Blues fire in you …. “
Learn more at www.confessingtheblues.info!
“Confessing the Blues” replaces “Blow Me Away Blues” w/ Brett Bertolucci who sadly has had to cancel his show due to health reasons. We’ll miss ya, Brett! Thanks for the awesome shows!